2020: Covid-19
With Mozambique on lockdown, people aren’t allowed out and about without a face mask. We are busy sewing them!
We also took the opportunity presented by Covid-19 to set up tippy taps in our community. Using recycled materials, these are nifty hand washing stations that require no plumbing or running water. Community leaders designated specific people to take responsibility for each tippy tap. We use these at the project as well.
Teaching about Covid and tippy taps.
Tippy Taps! Clean hands prevent Covid.
2019: Cyclone Idai hit us head on.
In March 2019, Cyclone Idai happened. Everyone in our community lost everything. Except for one cement block building, all of our structures, farm fields, and supplies were destroyed. Many people died, either from the storm or from the subsequent flooding. The video below gives an excellent overview of the damage. Because our area is rural, we were too far out and isolated for disaster relief to reach us in time to save people from starvation.
Channel 4 News report of Cyclone Idai 2019
God provided.
We immediately got to work and organized a team. Through relationships established in the area over the previous year, we were able to provide 10 food distributions in isolated areas where communities would have starved before relief could have reached them.
This video is in Portuguese and being translated into the local language. Agostinho and Izaquel, from LFTH, are the ones speaking. They are sharing the hope of Jesus, before the food is distributed.
How people lived.
The people who survived Idai, were forced into horrific living situations, without food or stable shelter.
Over a year later, many have yet to recover emotionally and physically.