Mission, Vision, Values.
What’s our why?
As followers of Jesus, we seek to love our neighbors by spending ourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfying the needs of the oppressed in the rural communities of Mozambique, through all biblical means available.
What are we aiming for?
The flourishing of the entire country of Mozambique along with all of our international friends through transformative relationships.
How do we show up?
We strive to live as disciples of Jesus, displaying God’s great love through mutually beneficial relationships that empower human flourishing and make space for liberational development. To that end, we have some guidelines for how we enter and engage community:
-We focus on stewardship and development, not long-term aid
-We affirm the image-bearing nature of every human being
-Acknowledging humankind’s brokenness and collective need for redemption, we approach relationships with a mindset of equality, mindfully opposing paternalism or oppression
-We work with people, not for people
-Acknowledging God’s all sufficiency, we focus on assets, not deficits
-While the kingdom of God carries its own culture, we desire to engage in ways that preserve what’s God honoring in Mozambican culture and challenge what’s not. We desire to resist the appearance or substance of colonialism in any form.