April 2021

Left is our storage and office facility, Right is our Center preschool.

Left is our storage and office facility, Right is our Center preschool.

April 2021 Activity Report

In April, in addition to our regular tasks, our activities included planting vegetables, painting buildings at the Center, building the education facility in Ndeja cyclone refugee resettlement camp, and preparing the Center to receive government officials to approve our reopening.

Preschoolers are back to meeting face to face!

Preschoolers are back to meeting face to face!

*Garden of God preschool

We started preschool classes at the center, with 120 children attending there, with many Covid restrictions to follow. We have an additional 135 children enrolled at Ndeja resettlement camp but due to complications in the building process, we haven’t started classes.

Progressing on the Ndeja education facility

Progressing on the Ndeja education facility


Teacher Felismina explains a lesson to an education participant.

Teacher Felismina explains a lesson to an education participant.

  • Adult Education

Of the 226 people enrolled in adult education classes, we began our classes with the 96 enrolled at the Center. We are facing some challenges because we had planned to use the Ndeja community education building for our preschool and for adult education, but because of the large number of participants in both, and to accommodate Covid regulations, we need to build an additional structure for adults at Ndeja before we can begin classes there.

  • Garden of God Youth Academy:

We have 160 youth enrolled. Our first meeting of the year began with cleaning the soccer field for practice and a general counsel meeting

Sing a new song to the Lord!

Sing a new song to the Lord!

  • Choir Group

    We have 60 people divided into two groups of 30, meeting on different days.

  • Pastoral Training
    35 pastors are participating in pastoral training with us. We have coordinated for a fasting prayer meeting in May. After this long season of studying from home, we intend to begin meeting in person again on Saturdays in May.

  • Farming Activities

    We are continuing to plant vegetables including cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, beetroot, cabbage, kale, green peppers and carrot

  • Come and See Sewing Program

We have 34 people participating this year. Our main challenge is that we only have 6 sewing machines. It’s for sure a big challenge for Agostinho as a leader and Mr. Mussa, the instructor.

We choose to see challenges as opportunities to experience God’s all-sufficient solutions and we invite you to give generously towards our goal of adding 12 more machines by July 1! The estimated cost is $3,600.

Our newest mama

Our newest mama

  • Animals:

*Pigs- 8 pigs, 3 pregnant, 13 baby piglets

* Ducks- 81 eggs.  * Chicken- 60 chicks *Turkeys - 43 eggs 

We continue to be so thankful for those who partner with us through prayer and financial giving. We thank Jesus for the lives of every person connected with our project in any way.

We also provide spiritual care for people by doing regular home visits in the community to teach the Bible, to pray and to demonstrate love by meeting practical needs through whatever means we have available. We praise God for the opportunity to share His love in our community because more lives are reached for Jesus. 

Finally, please keep these 3 ongoing needs of our rural communities  in prayer:

*Access to healthcare   *End of food poverty, malnutrition & starvation    * End of malaria


May 2021


January 2021