May 2021

We’re now rockin’ a roof at Ndeja Education Facility!

We’re now rockin’ a roof at Ndeja Education Facility!

May 2021 Activity Report

In May, we had activities that included caring for crops, building and roofing of the classrooms at Ndeja, building a kitchen addition as recommended by our government because of Covid-19 and many bible studies.

Preschool (Garden of God Preschool):

Of the 250 children enrolled, 109 are attending. Some of the kids were really sick this month. We continue to only have preschool at the Center because the Ndeja Education Facility is not yet ready to host students. 

Adult Education:

We now have 260 women and men enrolled! We are gathering at the Center and at the Church building for now, as the Ndeja adult education structure is not yet ready.   You’ll recall from last month that we realized we needed to build an additional structure as due to the HUGE number of enrollees, our not-yet-in-use Ndeja Education Facility will not be able to accommodate both the preschool kids and the adult education participants.              


Building Ndeja Adult Education Structure Together

A community leader contributed the roof he’d been given for his house. Other community members contributed bamboo and stakes. We contributed a section of roof we had and leftover bamboo from building the fence at the Center. 

Choir director Tito leading the choir

Choir director Tito leading the choir

Choir Group:

The Choir Group has been such a blessing to our church and community. They participate in funerals by praying with families, evangelism and comforting the family. 

Come & See Sewing Program:

We thank God for this ministry; 31 of the 34 people enrolled attended the program this month. People are learning many skills and putting it into practice in their own homes, repairing their families clothing. You can imagine the joy this brings to Mr. Mussa, as their instructor. However, we really need more sewing machines. Let us know if you want to help meet this financial need! 


Garden of God Youth Academy:

Of the 160 youth enrolled, we had 90 youth regularly participating. We are focused on organizing the additional materials needed for counseling, teaching the Bible, training soccer, tutoring program, English lessons and hygiene.

 Pastoral Ministry:

We started with our in-person classes with pastors! Many pastors from different villages come to be a part of training.  We thank God because he heard our prayers about wanting to reach outlying communities. In our first meeting of prayer, we had 52 pastors in attendance and we only have 35 enrolled! Our GOD is great and faithful.

Helena and Rita

Helena and Rita

Sheep’s Gate Church:

We praise God for His wisdom and direction every day. Many people are learning to follow Jesus and attending the church services every day. We thank God and you for helping us care for our sister Helena and Rita while they were suffering so greatly. We are grieved to report that Rita passed away. However, we as the church are blessed to have been able to care for them and to continue caring for Helena and her son. Please pray for wisdom, strength and health for our church brothers.                                          

Farming Activities:

We are taking care of our vegetable crops- cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, beetroot, cabbage, kale, green peppers, onion and carrots.


We are working on preparing more space for the pigs as we’ve got more babies on the way! We are procuring steel to make the gates for the pig pens. 

Head count! **Ducks- 54 ducks, 123 eggs **Chickens- 60 chicks, 31 eggs **Turkeys- 58 eggs   **Pigs- 8 pigs, 4 pregnant; 13 healthy baby pigs.

We continue to be so thankful for those who partner with us through prayer and financial   giving. We thank Jesus for the lives of every person connected with our project in any way.

We also provide spiritual care for people by doing regular home visits in the community to teach the Bible, to pray and to demonstrate love by meeting practical needs through whatever means we have available. We praise God for the opportunity to share His love in our community because more lives are reached for Jesus. 

Finally, please keep these 3 ongoing needs of our rural communities  in prayer:

*Access to healthcare   *End of food poverty, malnutrition & starvation    * End of malaria


A Surprise Visit!


April 2021